Retention and Retainers
Touch- Up Retainers
Dr. Quimby and Dr. Collins create your aligners for you in house. Using 3-D digital imaging and printing, they will make a series of retainers to correct your teeth. It is similar to Invisalign but our doctors are the ones behind the magic. Our in-house aligners have a faster turn around time to correct minimal shifting.
Watch the video to see how we make your retainers.
Clear Retainer & Nightguard
The clear retainer is a clear removable retainer that fits over the entire arch of teeth. Retainers have no metal wires and are virtually invisible. They are very durable and easy to wear. Nightguards are a thicker clear material for those who are grinders and clenchers. The costs vary based on the type of nightguard prescribed.

Fixed (Bonded) Retainers
Bonded lingual retainers are glued directly to the inside surface of your lower front teeth. This is one of the best ways to prevent your lower teeth from shifting as it is not removable! As with removable retainers, it is important to keep them clean. When brushing, carefully clean the inside of your lower teeth as well as the wire. If your retainer breaks at any time during the retention phase, please do not adjust it yourself. Call us immediately to schedule an emergency appointment.
Retainers For Life Program:
Replacing your retainer is so expensive so we recently decided to partner with The RETAINERS FOR LIFE protection package. We highly recommend this package as it works just like an insurance policy for your retainer. Anytime you need a new retainer, you can simply go online, pay a small co-pay to order, and have a new retainer delivered directly to your door step. Ask about our promotional price!