Contact Us
Quimby & Collins Orthodontics
8125 Ardrey Kell Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28277
Map & Directions
Phone: (704) 443-0006
Fax: (704) 443-0011

Office Hours: The front office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and closed on Fridays. Extended clinic office hours are 7:00 am to 6:30 pm on select days. Our front desk can provide this information.
After hours: Call our office and press #2 to leave a message on the emergency line. This will automatically contact the doctors.
Let us hear from you!
We are committed to providing excellent patient service and will make every effort to respond to your correspondence quickly. New patients can request appointments and access necessary forms under the About Us page of this website.
If you are a current Quimby and Collins patient, you may access your account through our T.Link system which allows you to request appointments, check current appointment times and view other pertinent account information. If you have not yet activated your T.Link account, please contact us by phone or e-mail.